Sunday, March 24, 2013

Youth4Nature Celebrates Earth Hour 2013

The Philippines for the last 4 years has been given the Hero Country Award for the most number of participants worldwide.  Last year, 1,671 Provinces, Municipalities and Cities oined this symbolic event.

Tawi-Tawi Province has been participating year after year.

This year, Youth4Nature joined for the first time.  We started the day with radio plugs over at DXGD Radio for Peace 675 Khz on the AM band.  
Kim&Zane hosting the program

With more youth participation to celebrate Earth Hour, more people turned up for this momentous event.  The objective of this event was to send a message of unity with the rest of the world, that no matter where we are, no matter how small our contributions may be to help save Planet Earth, if we work together, we can make a difference.

Pre-Earth Hour Fun

Sadz and PJ Dancing the Pangalay for Earth Hour

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