Friday, March 29, 2013

Reuse It!

Instead of throwing things out, why not try to reuse it? By reusing items that might otherwise be disposed of as waste, we can reduce the mountains of trash collected and transported to our landfill.


1. Bring a reusable coffee mug to work, instead of using disposable paper or plastic cups.
2. Reuse the back of bond papers for drafts, letters, and envelopes for shopping lists or messages for family members.
3. Bring your lunch in a reusable/washable bag or container.
4.Reuse glass jars of mayonnaise, peanut butter or Nata de Coco to store sugar, coffee, choco drink, salt or any other condiments, and plastic margarine, ice cream containers to store leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer. Kids you can also use these reusable containers for something artistic! Be Creative! :D
5. Choose plastic tableware and plates instead of paper, and reuse them whenever possible.
6. Instead of using plastic bags, why not bring a reusable clothe (or tote) bag when shopping or buying groceries?
7. For picnics or trips to the beach, prepare a picnic basket with reusable plates, cups, and utensils.
8. Reuse wrapping paper, bows, and gift boxes.

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