Friday, March 29, 2013

Let's Precycle!

Let's Learn to PRECYCLE!

Precycling is how we can prevent recycling, when we can precycle we also prevent accumulating garbage in the future.

Here are some simple tips we can do in our own little way:

1. When buying things at the store, we can bring our own shopping bag or the clothe bags also known as tote bags to put our groceries.  This way, we can prevent recycling additional plastic bags, we're also reducing its use and we are recycling an existing one! how cool is that?

2. If we can buy lesser disposable items like shampoos in sachet and reuse old containers instead, we can prevent piling up more garbage. (tip for storing travel sized shampoos and liquid soaps: reuse old 50-100ml containers of hand sanitizers or rubbing alcohol to store your shampoo, liquid soap, lotion for light travel packing. This way you can avoid the disposable items, and stack them neatly in a reusable toiletry bag. isn't it cool?

3. Buy products in large quantities. This way we can put them in smaller reusable containers whenever we need them on the go. This way we use lesser containers.

4. If possible when buying products, we can look for the "recycle" logo in containers.  This is one way to help support recycling.

5. Read labels and ingredients.  Let's try to avoid using products that can harm animal life and poison the earth.

6. Buy products packed in containers we can reuse or recycle like jars.

Reuse It!

Instead of throwing things out, why not try to reuse it? By reusing items that might otherwise be disposed of as waste, we can reduce the mountains of trash collected and transported to our landfill.


1. Bring a reusable coffee mug to work, instead of using disposable paper or plastic cups.
2. Reuse the back of bond papers for drafts, letters, and envelopes for shopping lists or messages for family members.
3. Bring your lunch in a reusable/washable bag or container.
4.Reuse glass jars of mayonnaise, peanut butter or Nata de Coco to store sugar, coffee, choco drink, salt or any other condiments, and plastic margarine, ice cream containers to store leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer. Kids you can also use these reusable containers for something artistic! Be Creative! :D
5. Choose plastic tableware and plates instead of paper, and reuse them whenever possible.
6. Instead of using plastic bags, why not bring a reusable clothe (or tote) bag when shopping or buying groceries?
7. For picnics or trips to the beach, prepare a picnic basket with reusable plates, cups, and utensils.
8. Reuse wrapping paper, bows, and gift boxes.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Youth4Nature Celebrates Earth Hour 2013

The Philippines for the last 4 years has been given the Hero Country Award for the most number of participants worldwide.  Last year, 1,671 Provinces, Municipalities and Cities oined this symbolic event.

Tawi-Tawi Province has been participating year after year.

This year, Youth4Nature joined for the first time.  We started the day with radio plugs over at DXGD Radio for Peace 675 Khz on the AM band.  
Kim&Zane hosting the program

With more youth participation to celebrate Earth Hour, more people turned up for this momentous event.  The objective of this event was to send a message of unity with the rest of the world, that no matter where we are, no matter how small our contributions may be to help save Planet Earth, if we work together, we can make a difference.

Pre-Earth Hour Fun

Sadz and PJ Dancing the Pangalay for Earth Hour

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Youth4Nature Joins the World on Earth Hour

A Collaborative Effort of the Community in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi

This Saturday March 23rd at exactly 8:30 in the evening, we, as a community, together with the youths of Tawi-Tawi will be engaging the people of Bongao, enjoining everyone in the community to switch off lights from 8:30 to 9:30 in the evening, as a symbolic gesture of oneness with the rest of the world who will be switching off on Earth Hour.  
Earth Hour is the world’s largest mass participation of the symbolic switching off of lights to increase awareness on climate change and the importance of conserving energy.  With the help and understanding of the people in the community of Bongao, an island municipality in the Province of Tawi-Tawi, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Philippines during this meaningful event, we will send a message to the world that even though we are a very small community from a very small island municipality in the Southernmost regions of the country, we can participate and make an effort together as one community.
We dare because We care.

Youth4Nature: Engaging the Youth in Tawi-Tawi on Environmental Conservation


Learning, Sharing and Paying it Forward is What This Project is About
Standing alone, one can only do so much, but together we can make a difference.
This holds true for the project implementation of Youth4Nature in Tawi-Tawi, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), Philippines.  At zero-budget to implement it with, it was almost impossible to implement it because money for some if not most reasons makes things happen.  As the main project implementer of this follow-on-project, I took my chances in volunteerism.  All I needed to do was convince a small group of people to help me with the project, and all I had to do was asked my friends to help me.  Together we have pooled our resources and linkages in the community proving true the Filipino culture of “Bayanihan”  (it means a concerted efforts of working together.  The goal is to help without counting the costs) so as one person donated pens, another donated a ream of bond paper, another one lent us an LCD projector, and everyone gave their time and expertise as their contributions towards making this project a reality at no charge at all. 
Y4N Mentors are Young Professionals Tawi-Tawians for Tawi-Tawi
I told my friends and former colleagues that I have always wanted to come up with a project with the youth in relation to information and education campaigns on environmental conservation.  I chose to mentor and organize the youth because indeed they are the hope of the community.  The Province of Tawi-Tawi has the potential of greatness because of the youth.  Everything I have done so far, I could not have done it without the help of others who believe it too.  Youth for Nature is now a collaborative effort of Tawi-Tawians for Tawi-Tawi.  We are a group of young professionals working training the youths of the community to take on that personal leadership and advocacy to care about nature in the spirit of volunteerism and be involved in community efforts, so that they too can pass this on and pay it forward.
During the last week of February, we have conducted a series of trainings and workshops in three (3) different High Schools in the main town of Bongao in Tawi-Tawi Province.  We have tapped the help of other movers in the community from different sectors of the government and non-government organizations to help train the core group of 25 student leaders from the 7th and 8th grade for each school.  We have decided to train the 7th and 8th graders so that they will still have time to pay it forward to their respective schoolmates in the coming school year, and have enough time to actually implement their pay-it-forward action plans. 
Student leaders contributing their thoughts and ideas on environmental conservation
On March 16th, we have also launched three (3) radio programs at three (3) radio stations in the community.  There are two (2) programs on FM radio and One (1) on AM Community Radio.  The goal of having these radio programs is to give the youth the voice to air their thoughts and ideas on involving everyone else to care about nature and participate in the community’s efforts towards making the Province a better place to live in.  

Student broadcasters take turn in sharing their ideas and thoughts in conserving nature during the launching of Pag-Ayad AWOL (Caring for Air, Water, Ocean, Land) over DXGD-AM Radio for Peace 675 Khz